Tuesday, April 29, 2008

50 Days

That's how long this trip has been. I really can't believe that today we'll all return to the US. Because the last 50 days have been particularly full/totally insane, for my final posting from abroad I wanted to give a little statistical version of what exactly has gone down on this seven week voyage around these awesome parts of the world.

We have visited Los Angeles, Nadi, Yasawa Islands, South Fiji, Auckland, Waiheke, Wellington, Picton, Christchurch, Queenstown, Sydney, Blue Mountains, Manly Beach, Balmoral, Bondi, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Saigon, Danang, Hoi An, Hanoi, Halong Bay, Bangkok, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Hong Kong, Kowloon, Beijing and Mongolia.

Number of beds slept in (including overnight train and boat rides): 32

Number of flights (including those home today): 19

Number of ferries and/or boats taken: 21

Number of trains and/or trams taken (not including the train I got off of in Vietnam): 14

Buses taken: 36

Number of cabs taken (including 22 in Beijing alone so far): 56

Number of tuk tuks ridden: 6

Number of bikes ridden: 3

Number of times laundry has been done: 4

Number of meals together: Approximately 150

Number of photos taken: Approximately 4,000

Steps walked: I think over a billion probably.

French fries eaten: Countless

Times I've pulled Rosie's photo out of my wallet to show to total strangers: Remarkably enough, less than 10.

Beds Laura and I have shared: 6
Number of those that weren't quite doubles and were just box springs: 2
Number of those that had no air conditioning in the room: 1
(However, I cannot complain as two nights ago Everett and Laura were forced to share a twin bed with Everett in his sleeping bag after his cot collapsed)

Water bottles consumed: I actually think 700 is not an unreasonable estimate.

Number of public toilets used: More than I've used in the rest of my life combined.

Amount of times Everett has threatened to slap Laura or me in the face: At least 27.
Amount of times Everett has been slapped in the face: 1

Number of Asians Laura has made angry: What is the population of Vietnam?

Number of people who have actually finished reading this ridiculous entry: Probably just Everett and Laura. Actually, probably just Laura as Everett tells me on a daily basis that he doesn't read my blog. So, if you have read this and/or any of my other random ramblings over the last several weeks, thanks for reading- I really appreciate it. This blog is about to return to fairly dull postings about my dachshund, but I hope you've enjoyed this documentation of what has truly been, as they say, the trip of a lifetime.


Unknown said...

Sarah, I have LOVED reading your blog! Other than being insanely jealous of you and your trip, I'm so glad that you got to experience all of this--and even more glad that I got to read about it. Nothing has inspired me more to finish writing my dissertation than your blog--because I want one of these trips for myself one day! :) Take care! I think of you every time I hold little Jadon!

Jenn said...

Sarah. you wound me.
"probably only everett and laura" my ass.

get home right now and apologize for that oversight.

chris barry said...

Now that y'all aren't basically touring the Ring of Fire any longer, I can go back to not reading this soon-to-be-resumed blog about Rowsey (is that how you spell it?). Hope you had fun. Welcome back to real life.

Julie Ann said...

i agree with jenn, sarah.
"oh ye of little faith in your friends."
i may have not been an avid "commenter" on your blog, but don't for a minute doubt my reading habits.
i have thoroughly enjoyed every post, laughing at and with you (yes, i admit it)... and am in shock and awe that you three are coming home alive and still on speaking terms.
i believe congratulations are in order.
pip pip.

Jenn said...

Boo ya! You said it JA. Sheesh.