Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Recommend

As it happens, I don’t just waste time writing a blog, I also spend a significant amount of time reading them. Why this is, I do not know. I mean, I could spend a few pages trying to analyze the human fascination with other people’s lives, but really I think I’m just nosy and spend more time than is probably healthy online. So I end up on other blogs.

This week I was introduced the Julia Allison’s blogs. (I’m definitely coming in late on this one.) She’s the editor of Star magazine and a columnist for Time Out New York. She’s also pretty darn close to my age, but somehow light years ahead of me in career success. If you have several hours to burn, I’d recommend reading the blog she and her ex boyfriend, Jakob wrote together ( and if you want to become stalkerishly obsessed with someone who is totally obsessed with themselves, then check out her constantly updated

I read other blogs too. For a long time I was hooked on fashion and celebrity sites:, and All three are still at the top of my list for totally mind-numbing ways to waste your time.

My other two random ones that I check quite frequently are and Both quite pleasant reading, in my opinion, about two relatively normal people who happen to be good writers. Also, dooce totally hooked me with her photos of her dog. I’m a sucker for pooch pics.

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