Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sawyer and Kate 4ever

Tonight I intend to watch the finale of season three and the premier of season four of Lost online. If I do this, I will be completely caught up to watch it in real time with the rest of the world tomorrow night. I’m not sure if I can explain how excited that makes me. But I can explain what that means as far as where my time has been spent the last several weeks.

I started watching January 7th. Then I went to London, where they don’t allow access to the streaming version of Lost online (what?!?!), January 19th through the 27th. This means I’ve had a total of 22 Lost viewing days. There have been 72 episodes. This means I’ve been watching more than three episodes per day on average. Each episode is approximately 43 minutes long.

I think this might indicate that I’m just as lame as my brother who has been in town for the last three days keeps telling me I am. This, and the fact that I’ve watched 90% of these episodes lying on my stomach in bed with my dachshund chewing rawhide on my back.

1 comment:

Weatherly said...

I love it! JM and I did the same thing, except on DVD last Christmas. Every waking hour was spend "catching up" on LOST! This is our first season to watch week to week and with commercials...kinda sucks except that you can actually discuss it a work without trying to tell anyone to hush :)